Monday, February 2, 2009

Building Character!

I've always thought the "ideal" of living on a farm sounded great! You know, teach your kids hard work, responsibilty keep 'em busy and outta trouble, learn all of the lessons found on a farm and build a lot of character along the way. Well, truthfully I don't think I'd make a very good farm wife, however we do have a chicken coop and that seems to be doing the trick. Parker braved the awful smell, cleaned out the coop, and put fresh straw in last weekend. Parker sure is a good's GREAT to have kids!!


  1. Wow! I am so excited!! I've been wanting to add some chickens to our lives for years now. I have a book that I've read cover to cover, but I'm a little nervous to start. I've been wishing I could speak to someone who is already doing this and now i KNOW!! We'll be chatting real soon!

  2. I'm so jealous! I've wanted chickens for so long, but we can't have things like that in our HOA. And what a great way to get the kids workin.
    PS, I love your picture of your hubby kissing you. So sweet. You're beautiful!
