Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mom Day!

Mother's Day came quickly this year. My family is so great about treating me like royalty,

"If you make the smoothies, we'll drink them!!! 'Cause mom, no one makes them as yummy as you!"

"Well, OK, since you put it that way. "

I couldn't think of anything for my kids to get me, other than a riding lawn mower, which would have saved me 3 hours of mowing the other they pitched in and bought me a darling red (fav. color) wallet to replace my stained, very sad-looking, zipper-broken wallet. I love the new one! Karl surprised me with a dozen red roses, and the kids each wrote me favorite part!!

I can't wait to see what they make me for dinner! I really hope it's chili from the can...yum!!

P.S. Dinner was delicious grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup! Thanks guys!!


  1. You deserve to be treated like royalty because you're a great mom! Happy Mother's Day!
