Sunday, January 11, 2009

Heather Learns a Lesson

Ok, so everyone knows the number one rule when it comes to serving in church callings right? If there's a calling out there that you really would prefer NOT to have, DON'T say it out loud. In fact try not to even think it, because "you know who" will hear you and see it as a wonderful opportunity for you to LEARN and GROW. Well, I said it and it happened. The only calling I really didn't want came my way...are you ready? Primary Chorister for BOTH Junior and Senior Primary!!! (prior to me, they had one person for Jr. and one for Sr.) AAAAG! It was the first time I started to cry during a call. I just couldn't help it, I was sure the open cub scout position was mine. Not this time. I had to quickly back peddle when the 2nd counselor (seeing my obvious stress..) asked, "do you need some time to think about it?" "No, no, I said through the tears, I'm sure I'll be just fine." I went home and sobbed in my husbands arms. I've since called one of my closest friends, who has served in this calling for 8 years in the past, and begged her to mentor me. My other friend brought over cute pink, white and chocolate cupcakes and I'm feeling a little better. Go forward with FAITH, right??

Oh yeah, Taylor was looking through the Sunday paper and ran across a picture of a stressed out mom. He cut out the picture and said
Heather after hearing about new calling
"Here's a picture of a mommy, do you want it?" He must have thought I could relate to her today. It made me laugh.


  1. Hey, you'll be great at that calling. The primary chorister is a huge part of primary. You'll be great.

  2. Been there...done that.

    Though I think the picture is hilarious.

  3. You are going to be great in Primary! Those kids are so lucky to have you as their chorister!

  4. You are a perfect choice for this calling, Heather! Your bright personality and engaging smile will bring joy to the Primary children :) You can do it!

  5. I've read all these upbeat comments. Well, I've been there, done that...been there done that again, and been there done that a third time. What lesson did I not learn???? Sometimes we just buck up and do it...and try not to hold our breath. As soon as you figure out a few tricks, you'll feel much better!
