Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ho, Ho, Ho!
A Big Hello to yummy food baking in the oven, wood crackling in the fireplace, Christmas music filling the room with magic,and cozy hugs from family & friends.  We were
oh-so-ready for Christmas!
Our annual extended family (my side) Christmas Eve sledding tradition had to be altered since...
 So we put together some plates of goodies, and went caroling to some of our neighbors. 
We enjoyed a simple pasta dinner at our home, then dressed the kids up and enjoyed a sweet and simple production of The Nativity. 
The kids all gathered in a circle and took turns opening up their cousin gifts to each other, and then the gifts from grandma and grandpa!!  They were pretty spoiled, I must say! :)

Christmas morning started at 5:40am.   I told the kids it was too early!  If you start out early, it's over with too soon, we should just make it last as long as possible..I told them to give it another hour.  The kids begged us to start in 1/2 hour... 

Parker said, "hey mom, let's do rock, paper, scizzors to decide when we start opening our presents."  Feeling confident in my rock, paper, scizzers prowess, I stupidly agreed. 
I lost. 6:10 AM, we had a great time ripping and tearing, and everyone had a fun morning.

Church started at 11:00, no one was too thrilled to get out of new PJ's, into church of my kids said, "yeah, the rest of the world only goes to church on Christmas and Easter, and those are the only 2 days we Mormons want to stay home...:)  We did go to church, and enjoyed a beautiful Christmas Sacrament Meeting. 

Let the games begin! 
 Back in PJ's, we spent the afternoon playing some new board games. 

More than anything, Ashlyn wanted this doughnut maker.  She and I came up with a recipe for lemon doughnuts, and boy were they tasty!

Kinda pretty too!

We got a couple new wii games for Christmas, and the boys laughed 'til their guts hurt playing
"Wipe Out"!

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