Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Chocolate Chips...

How to make enemies at the grocery store...
So yesterday there was a 1-day sale at the store for Guittard Chocolate Chips..  I love these chips!  We use chocolate chips all the time at our house, but they can be so darn expensive...so when a sale hits...I'm all over it.  The front display was out of the milk chocolate, which of course is our favorite, so using my shopping saavyness, I headed to the baking isle, and sure enough there were some left on the shelf...I took almost all of them, totaling 40 in all, I think...
As I headed down the isle, a woman took a double take at my cart...
"Where did you get those???"
"Oh, there were a few left in the isle", I replied, then hurried outta there. 
I got several more stares from moms who didn't get in on the milk chocolate deal, and realized I need to cover the evidence, and fast!  I bought some bread and packets of taco seasoning, and strategically placed them over the 40 bags of chocolate chips. 
When I went to checkout, I realized I would have to uncover my stockpile, so I prayed I wouldn't have one of the unfortunate moms behind me in line.  I was lucky, there was an older woman behind me who only said, 
"Those must have been on sale".
I replied, "Yes, it was a good deal, it's my years supply...."
All I can say, is that when I put those babies in my food storage, I felt prepared!!
Karl said, "well at least we'll have chocolate..."


  1. Lucky! Our store had a limit of 10!

  2. You are smooth, Heather. Very smooth. Send some chocolate morsels our way!
