Friday, March 16, 2012

Ashlyn's Weekend...

Last weekend, Ashlyn went to a friend's birthday party.  He had a reptile show come to his house, and the kids had the opportunity to touch various types of reptiles.

Ashlyn and her friend sat way up on the couch, a little nervous about the SNAKE...
But then....bravery..or perhaps peer pressure won out, and she agreed to hold it!  I CANNOT believe she is my daughter!!!  I have a deep fear of snakes, and have weekly nightmares about them!!  (not kidding, Karl has to wake me up frequently!) 
Pretty proud of my girl!
Then, on Sunday afternoon, Ashlyn was jumping on the trampoline, and Parker and Connor decided to shoot arrows at clay pigeons on the ground, while they sat up in a tree.  One of the arrows ricocheted off of the clay pigeon, and hit Ashlyn's head, leaving a 1" gash, that even chipped part of her skull.  We spent the afternoon in the ER, where Ashlyn received staples.  She was super brave, I can't believe what a miracle that was!   I was shaking the next 24 hours, and teared up everytime I thought about how close we came to a tragedy in our family. 
 I can't stop hugging my baby girl!

Funny side note:  Of course Parker got all kinds of grief at school when everyone found out that he "shot his sister in the head with an arrow!!"  I asked Ashlyn how everyone found out about it, and she replied, "Oh, I told EVERYONE!  Even the principal!"
 Poor Parker...
Ashlyn added, that her friends all followed her around and said "it's like you're FAMOUS!"  Ashlyn would smuggly reply, "Oh, I know!"  She hasn't taken off her ER ID bracelet yet...
Our neighbor asked me yesterday, "so how's Robin Hood doing?"  
Poor Parker!

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