Monday, March 5, 2012


These are the MOMENTS!  
Moments, where you capture time because, life isn't quite the same from one second to the next.  
We just experienced a definite MOMENT!  My parents opened their mission call last week!!!  
Where are they going??? 
Keep reading!!

Those of us in the area, all met at our home for the opening of the envelope, but not before we had a little mission devotional first.  Nathan set up Skype and audio connections with Allyson (AZ), Aaron (OR),  Sean (WA), and Aunt Carol (OR), so they could participate.  

We started out our slide show with a picture of my mom and her twin sister with the missionaries that taught and baptized them.  She joined the church when she was 19yrs. old. 
Each of the returned missionaries in our family then gave a brief report of their mission, and we viewed pictures.  Testimonies were shared and it was a beautiful evening.  
Those who live out of state also provided a written summary, and supplied pics. 
 Our family has covered the globe!   
We have served in England, Florida, Argentina, Portugal, Brazil, New Jersey (Spanish), Russia, Oregon, Italy, Costa Rica, and California.

Reading the call!! 
Minneapolis, Minnesota!!

I guess they're good with it!

Everyone sent in predictions of where my parents would be sent.  We posted the guesses on a  map.  Ashlyn guessed Iowa, which is actually part of their mission and got a big bag of skittles, but then I realized my mom had guessed Canada...Which is also part of their mission, so I owe her a fun snow showing outing as a prize!!  :)

We are all so proud and can't wait to learn more about the great state of Minnesota!


  1. Hooray! I guess your dad got his wish to not go somewhere hot, huh? Congratulations!

  2. YAY!!! Our librarian's son is serving there!
