Sunday, March 20, 2011

The week after...

A peek at our post-vacation week...
The kids had Monday off (we got back on Sun.) 
My friends all said, "boy, that's great timing, now you can just relax for a day before they go back to school..."
"Relax? Um...not really...what I wouldn't have given to send them all to school first thing Monday morning...:)

Don't you just love the week after a vacation?  8 loads later, I finally reached the bottom of this post-vacation pile, only to find that the clothes kept coming in!  I thought it would be great to get a before and after shot of the laundry, you know, a total mess to spic and span laundry room, but after a week I've decided it's never going to happen as long as people in my house keep wearing clothes! I'm not sure the people on Clean House (don't you love that show??) would have wanted to tackle this one!  AAAgh! 
Deep Yoga breath..:)
He Leprechauns!  Like no other.  Taylor spent hours putting together a house for the Leprechaun, and making cute!
Trap #1.  There was actually a book proped up to the window.  The idea is that the Leprechaun would peek in, looking for gold, fall in and not be able to get out.
The kleenex is a trap.  He reaches for the gold colored lincoln log and the kleenex falls into the hole, trapping him.  The ladder helps him make it to the top.
The house.  Gotta love the big gold rock inviting the Leprechaun to come in.
Lucky wrote Taylor a note...
Other than some green pancakes, I wasn't too creative this year with St. Patricks Day. 
Crime Prevention Merit badge field trip.  I'll tell ya, these merit badges are taking a ton of MY time!  But aren't those boys cute?!
most of the time...
It's Spring, and at the Jensen household, this means new chicks. 
Alyssa said, "they start out so cute! Too bad they get so ugly!" 
So true!

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