Sunday, September 13, 2009

August Rush

I don't know about the rest of you, but
August FLEW BY!
With all the school prep and responsibilities (I chair a committee at the school), and Connor's birthday to boot, we were swamped all month.
My sweet Connor turned 10 yrs. old.
I remember being 10. I remember looking out the window, waiting for my friends to show up for my party, hoping people would come. I vividly remember standing off to the side of the window, behind the curtain so no one would see me, then feeling great relief when cars started to pull up. Funny huh? Haven't thought of that for a while. It was great to be in double digits, but still be a kid. I was never in a hurry to grow up, still that way. We celebrated Connor by having a big party with his friends at our house, then celebrated again at Payson Lakes with G & G Baxter.
We LOVE Payson Lakes!

Powered doughnut birthday "cake"...perfect for a campfire celebration!

Connor's friend party...all a bunch of hams! :)

Grandma and Grandpa Baxter and grandkids.

One of those "pensive moment" pics. My Parker boy is sure growing up!

Did you know "Nessy" the Loch Ness Monster's sister resides at Payson Lakes? Yup, true story! (looks like she brought a friend...)

Parker and Connor spent much of their time jumping and somersaulting off the dock. There were several teenagers admiring their tricks, which only encouraged the boys! hmmm...

Connor and Taylor..they rowed all fun!

These rafts look cute, but they proved to be hard to maneuver...
only turned in circles, it was really funny!


  1. Happy Birthday, Connor!!! Your mom looks great!!!

  2. Heather, I just checked your blog and can't believe your incredibly busy summer. The kids are all so cute and growing up! You look great. I'll have to swing by to say hi one of these Mondays. Maybe we'll see each other while visiting Eleanor. Fun to read about all your adventures, and I loved your three seconds of fame on the card club!
