Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer is flyin' by!

A few pics of our way fun summer so far!! We've also enjoyed swimming lessons, a fieldtrip to the Museum of Natural History at the U of U, a day trip to the Children's Discovery Museum at the Gateway in SLC, girls camp, participating in Youth Conference as we ventured out on a Pioneer Trek in the mountains. (Just call me "Ma!"), EFY, soccer camp, our cul-de-sac of fire celebration with our neighbors on July 3rd, annual 4th of July BBQ/parade with family and a million other fun things that make up summer!

My dare devil son who walks around on very tall, homemade stilts w/o any fear!
SEE what I put up with?? I hope he lives long enough to have his kids freak him out!

Alyssa's summer luau with her awesome friends.

Father's Day in the park. It drizzled all day, all the more fun to have a softball game! (missing 3 brothers)
Dad, sure love ya!

Happy Father's Day Karl!!
Here's to the most amazing Dad ever! I can't even express how much I love my husband, he is such a hands-on dad, and always makes time for each of his kids. He loves them with all his heart, and they know he would do ANYTHING for them! Boy I scored!
P.S. for Father's Day I got him a chain saw...feel free to make that "Tool Time" grunting sound. That's what it's like around here!
Pickin' Peas!

1st day of gymnastics! Gymnastics was a big part of my life for 4 years growing up and I couldn't be more thrilled that Ashlyn wants to try it out!

"Please oh please will you buy some kool-aid?
Only 25 cents!" What a bargain!!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun summer so far! It is really flying by fast! It was great to catch up with you at the library! I love the picture of your kids at the beach! FYI- $2.00 Tuesdays at Thanksgiving Point for the month of August.
