Wow. Have you ever done anything really hard?? I mean, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY HARD? This summer my friends and I decided to take on a Half Marathon. Several times we asked ourselves..."What are we thinking? Have we truly lost it this time?" But then we'd push on, and continue to train, secretely hoping the day of the race would never come, but of course it did.
July 30, 2011,
a day I'll never forget. Three of my friends ran this same half marathon on June 25th, and we cheered them on to victory. We thought, "well, they didn't die, maybe we can do it too..."
Peer pressure is a terrible thing!!
No I didn't die, but I think I may have come close...that "light" we're told we walk towards when we die, seemed awfully close on mile 12...:) Truly I had to dig deep for this, glad I did it, but am grateful it's over.
The best part was turning the corner to the High School and seeing my family and friends all cheering us on. My kids made this cute sign. Karl was an unbelievable support to me. He'd text me after every long run while training, and ask how it went, always telling me how proud he is of me. Definitely my biggest fan!!
This is a pic of my friends completing the Half in June. We've all been running together for several years, but just a few miles a few days a week, nothing big until this summer. I love these women, they are truly my sisters!
Our turn. We may be wearing smiles, but really we just want to find the softest space of grass, and die. Would you believe we have 32 children between all of us? Amazing moms!