Tuesday, April 17, 2012

And so the adventure BEGINS!  
Sunday afternoon, we watched as my parents were set apart to be missionaries.  It was a beautiful experience.  The Stake President asked each of my brothers and sisters, and in-laws to share thoughts about my parents and their gifts that would help them in serving.  Being the oldest I was asked to be first.  I actually got through it without crying...getting sappy in my old age I guess, but it was really inspiring to hear everyone in attendance share their love for and confidence in my parents.  They will be stellar missionaries, helping refugees from Nepal, living in Minnesota.  
I will definitely miss them though....


  1. SOOOOO happy for them! Let me know how I can contact them!

    1. I will...also, Lori (Jones) Colgrove told me you had contacted her about my parents going to MN. Did you know she and I were best friends in HS and College?
