Monday, April 4, 2011

Our little bedlamites...

Last week Allyson came to UT. to spend a little time with us, and of course brought her little Emma!  We had some good extended family time, and she and I had some sister time too as we went out to lunch, shopped at the outlets, attended the temple and enjoyed our children. 

Also, remember my Taylor's love of holidays?  Well, they broke the mold when they made him.  He went all out on April Fools Day!  He took a whoopie cushion and a fake chewed wad of gum to school.  Apparently his teacher was a really good sport and actually sat on the whoopie cushion, (although he said it wasn't as blown up as he thought he'd left it...I can't help but wonder if she deflated it a little first when he wasn't looking...)  He put the gum on her white board eraser and she just said, "oooh, gross!  Was this Taylor again??" 
Glad I wasn't there. 
 Taylor, I'm sure, was rolling on the floor! 
When I went to use the bathroom that day, I found out (too late mind you), that he had cut off two pieces of clear packaging tape and put it sticky side up on the toilet...uh...yeah.  The girls in our family got the "sticky side" of that one!  
The kid kills me!

One of the greatest things about being an aunt, is that I get to just snap pics of the common TP obesession, and laugh!  Heaven knows I've had my share of kids drawn to the toilet paper magnet! 
While at a family dinner, Adrienne pulled up the hilarious youtube movies called "Kid History".  Slowly everyone gathered from the 4 corners of the house following the explosive laughter to see what was up, and soon joined was great!
Parker had a Health assignment to put together a creative project outlining the negative effects of smoking, drinking and drugs.  What did he do???
Parker's Potter Puppet Pals!!
(try to say that 3 times fast)
I let the kids cut up some white gloves, and use the fingers as puppets.  They spent all day Sunday listening to General Conference and using the hot glue gun.  Parker then came up with a script and the kids put on a play while I video taped. It was HILARIOUS!  The play was about Voldemort giving Harry bad stuff, and Hermione describing the ill effects of each substance.  In the end, Voldemort got blown up with a smoke :) 
I hope his Health teacher finds it as funny as we did...

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